Full scale Tape mock-ups

First of all I studied the mid section of the bus where I placed two wheelchairs(black boxes) and their assistants. I placed foldable chairs at the wheelchair compartment on one side and single seats that face the aisle on the other side. This layout enables easy manoeuvrability for the wheelchairs during their passage.

The front section is more conventional. I decided to make it that way in order to facilitate orientation from front entrance. Here I placed double seats on one side and single seats on the other. This configuration creates a wide passenger passage.

The rear section is the flexible lounge that is equipped with foldable seats. During my user research, I observed that young passengers walk directly to tha rear of the bus. This flexible environment is suitable for these young ones and parents with baby carriages.

The reason why I placed the prams in the rear section is, whenever a pram comes unexpectedly, a young passenger can easily move and give his seat to the pram. It would have been a hazel for an old one to do the same thing. I saw many old women giving their seats to prams and finishing their journey on foot.